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Student Life at GIIS HADAPSAR

Global Indian International School is more than just a building where students will focus on academics and participate in the extracurricular activities that they enjoy. Rather, it's a community where the administrators, instructors and families work as partners to nurture the next generation of global citizens.

Student Life at GIIS Pune

Global Indian International School is more than just a building where students will focus on academics and participate in the extracurricular activities that they enjoy. Rather, it's a community where the administrators, instructors and families work as partners to nurture the next generation of global citizens.

We provide our students with a unique approach to education. The foundation of our courses is a rigorous curriculum, but the instructors work to provide students with educational experiences that encourage them to grow academically and personally. The well-being of our students is a top priority, and we strive to personalise the educational process to bring out the best in each individual learner.

We provide our students with a unique approach to education. The foundation of our courses is a rigorous curriculum, but the instructors work to provide students with educational experiences that encourage them to grow academically and personally. The well-being of our students is a top priority, and we strive to personalise the educational process to bring out the best in each individual learner.

NextGen Classrooms

NextGen Classrooms

NextGen is when a new phase begins. NextGen is when a new way of doing things emerge. NextGen is when a fresh outlook brings fresh ideas and fresh hopes. Enter the NextGen classroom where student-centred pedagogy meets a digitally powered learning environment to create a whole new education experience. Here, latest teaching tools make learning a fun and interactive affair for the students and help them achieve better educational outcomes.

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SMART Facilities

SMART Facilities

GIIS SMART campus has a modern infrastructure, powered by carefully chosen technologies that is unrivalled by any other educational institute across the region.

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Extracurricular Activities and Cocurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities and Cocurricular Activities

At GIIS, we believe that children benefit academically and personally when they are involved in both extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Not only does this allow them to explore their interests and develop a passion for something outside of academics, but it also teaches them concepts of working as a team and good sportsmanship. We have a vast range of ECAs and CCAs to appeal to children of all interests and backgrounds. From swimming and tae-kwon-do to clay making and needlework, we have options that will appeal to nearly every student on our campus.

Events and Activities

Events and Activities

Throughout the year, our teachers and administrators plan events and activities that allow our students to feel connected and engaged with our larger community. These events and activities are an opportunity for parents, students and educators to come together and enjoy themselves while still working toward fulfilling our mission as a leader in global education.

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Parent Engagement

Parent Engagement

We believe that parent engagement plays an important role in the overall development and well-being of our students. The parents at GIIS are encouraged to volunteer at the school, as this allows them to feel invested in the community and gives them an opportunity to experience GIIS first-hand. When parents become more involved, they are more likely to take a greater interest in the happenings at the school and in their child's academic and social development.

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Value-added programmes

Our 9GEMS™ framework promotes intellectual, social and physical development while also teaching our students the importance of ethics and discipline. A variety of hands-on activities - both academic and extracurricular - foster exploration and creativity. School and community-based initiatives encourage children to be good stewards of the environment and to serve others locally and globally. Learning through computers and mobile devices teaches children to use technology responsibly. We incorporate our value-added programme into every aspect of the curriculum to provide a balanced education that prepares children to adapt to a constantly-evolving global society.

Our comprehensive framework is designed not only to promote academics, but to prioritise communication, leadership and entrepreneurial skills that prepare children for higher education and careers. At GIIS, we provide a relevant, values-based education that equips the next generation to be innovative leaders and lifelong learners.

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